Sunday, July 13, 2014

1st post - motivation - obsession

Decided to start a blog mainly for myself to look back on. Just to have a place to keep all the interesting/ motivating info I might wanna read again.

Came across this - 21 rules of the rich

I'd usually note down things that stand out to me in a notebook. Kinda like a book of inspiring quotes, which then turned out to be a collection of excerpts from books. Things that motivate me, or favourite sentences or paragraphs that I find to be so well written that I want to keep it store it somewhere.

I liked this part in the the '21 rules of the rich'
"7) Average people earn money doing things they don’t love. Rich people follow their passion.

I don’t like the word passion, that’s a word for women’s romance novels, the correct word is obsession. Rich people follow their obsessions to the edge of the earth and beyond. Average people can’t understand this because their obsession stops at their favorite sports team or tv show or smoking pot or some other nonsense. 4 Hour Work Week is a cool little motivational book but you can’t take the title literally. If you’re going to find success in your field you are going to spend every waking minute thinking about it, you will have to be obsessed. Forget relaxing, forget taking a break, just give in to the obsession"

I remember in highschool I was bulk folding a bunch of origami modular units for a kusudama ball. My table was covered in folded kusudama units. The dean, Mr Henry, whom I dont know that well actually, saw me and the pile of paper on table and said "Have you got an obsession? Thats great! I have one too".

I thought that was an awesome way to put it. That an obsession is something great and an honour to have. When people see it, they admire that passion, that focus, that energy you put into doing something, and sometimes they wish they had something like that.

Be proud of your obsessions! Or if you dont have one, get one!